I hear you: you've got your todo list.

now think about opening it

feeling overwhelmed? (be honest)

Here's a solution.

Leave last week's baggage behind.

Start fresh each week.

diem weekem.

or copy the same markdown below

Feeling less overwhelmed now?


Come back next week to start again.

or have it emailed weekly:

No ads, no spam, no bullshit. Just a fresh baked file each week.

# 2024 — **Week 38**
## Monday, September 16, 2024
### 14 weeks (27%) remaining

## 2024 Goals
- [ ] **Personalize the examples below**
- [ ] Finish 12 books (currently 8/12)
- [ ] Grow revenue to $12k MRR (currently $11,380)
  - [x] $10,000
  - [x] $11,000
  - [ ] $12,000

## Weekly Goals
- **Personal**
  - [ ] **Personalize the examples below**
  - [ ] Finish book "The Dyslexic Advantage"
  - [ ] Run 2x
    - [x] 1-3 miles
    - [ ] 3+ miles

- **Business**
  - [ ] **Personalize the examples below**
  - [ ] Pay quarterly estimated taxes
  - [ ] Finish the new landing page

## Notes
  - I've decided to try a new format for my weekly goals.
  - I'm going to list my yearly and weekly goals.
  - I'll start a new doc each week, the old stuff will still be around, but not in my face.

Still wondering what this is?

It's just a markdown (fancy text) file. A template to start the week.

Each Monday morning open a new weekly file in your favorite markdown editor.

(and archive last week's file)

This tool is just to make the starting-a-new-file part easier.

I hope you find this system as helpful as I have.